So you are going to build your dream home or office space, choosing the best build material is what gives many people sleepless nights. While traditional wood has been the go-to choice for many years, there is a new player in the game: WPC boards. WPC, or wood plastic composite, is a composite material made from wood fibers and plastic. SV WOODS WPC boards are a high-quality building material that offers several benefits over traditional wood. Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing SV WOODS WPC boards for your next project.


SV WOODS WPC boards are highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heat, cold, and moisture. They are also resistant to insects, rot, and decay, which means that they will last much longer than traditional wood boards. Our WPC Boards have undergone extensive research and development and are CPWD approved. This durability makes SV WOODS WPC boards an ideal choice for outdoor spaces that are exposed to the elements.

Low Maintenance

One of the biggest advantages of SV WOODS WPC boards is that they require little to no maintenance. Unlike traditional wood, which requires regular staining, sealing, and painting, SV WOODS WPC boards can be cleaned with a simple soap and water solution. This means that they are an excellent choice for those who want a beautiful and functional outdoor space without the hassle of regular maintenance.

Environmentally Friendly

SV WOODS WPC boards are also an environmentally friendly choice. They are made from recycled materials, including wood fibers and plastic, which means that they are a sustainable building material. Choosing SV WOODS WPC boards over traditional wood also helps to reduce the demand for virgin wood, which helps to protect our forests.


SV WOODS WPC boards are also incredibly versatile. They can be painted and polished as per requirement, creating a custom look that fits your personal style. They can also be cut and shaped to fit any space, which means that they can be used for a variety of applications, from decks and patios to fences and outdoor furniture.

Easy to Install

Finally, SV WOODS WPC boards are easy to install. They can be installed using traditional woodworking tools, which means that they can be installed by both professional builders and DIY enthusiasts. They also have a hidden fastening system, which means that they have a clean, seamless look that is free from visible screws and nails.

In summary, CPWD approved SV WOODS WPC boards are a high-quality building material that offers several benefits over traditional wood. They are durable, low maintenance, environmentally friendly, versatile, and easy to install. Whether you are building a new deck, patio, or outdoor living space, SV WOODS WPC boards are an excellent choice for your next project.